
Bringing New Possibilities


ለቴሌብር ወኪሎቻችን እስከ 250 ሺህ ብር የሚያሸልም ለ3ወር የሚቆይ የግብይት ማነቃቂያ ፕሮግራም ተዘጋጀ

አስደሳች ዜና ለቴሌብር ወኪሎች! ለቴሌብር ወኪሎቻችን እስከ 250 ሺህ ብር የሚያሸልም ለ3ወር የሚቆይ የግብይት ማነቃቂያ ፕሮግራም ማስጀመሩን በደስታ እንገልጻለን በየወሩ ለ229 ከፍተኛ የግብይት መጠን ለሚያስመዘግቡ እና በዕጣ ለሚለዩ 114 ወኪሎች የ10 ሺህ ብር ሽልማት፤እንዲሁም በቀጣዮቹ 3 ወራት መጨረሻ በሃገር አቀፍ ደረጃ ከፍተኛ የግብይት መጠን ለሚያስመዘግቡ 3 ወኪሎች ለ1ኛ 250 ሺህ ብር፣ ለ2ኛ 150 ሺህ ብር እናለ3ኛ 100 ሺህ ብር ሽልማት አዘጋጅቷል።የቴሌብር ግብይትዎን  ያሳድጉ፤

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Ethio telecom kicks off Cloud, Music Streaming and teledrive Mobile Database services provisioning with Partners

Far beyond ensuring connectivity services across the nation, our company is intensively engaged in digitizing the day-to-day business activities of the society in general and providing tailored services to its esteemed customers in particular by being a leading digital solutions provider. As part of these iniatives, our company has signed a partnership agreement today on January 30, 2023 with Zergaw Internet Service Provider on the provision of cloud solution services, with Kulu Network PLC for rendering Elf music streaming services and with Shedli Trading PLC for teledrive mobile database services to jointly provide customers in need of the services.

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