Ethio telecom celebrates International Women’s Day under the theme “Digital Inclusion for Gender Equality”!

It’s noted that our company has been committed to discharging its corporate social responsibilities particularly in ensuring women’s multifaceted participation, empowering and enabling them to actively participate in a wide range of societal affairs over its long and persistent years of service. The company has celebrated the International Women’s Day /March 8 which is celebrated for 112 years at international level and for 47th times at national level under the theme Digital Inclusion for Gender Equality.

As the International Women’s Day is marked, our company has handed over 3 million birr worth smart phones for 2014 EFY best performing 353 women cleaners drawn from Addis Ababa’s 122 Woredas who have immensely contributed for the cleanness and beauty of the African capital, Addis Ababa which is the seat of a number of International organizations and has become tourist destination as well as for making the city a conducive environment for its residents. The handset praise is mainly aimed at bridging the digital divide and enable women to access digital technology and financial services which has now come to be a must to use such gadgets to ease the day-to day life and business activities as well as to ensure women’s digital economy inclusion and equality.

As part of marking the Women’s international Day, we are also delighted to inform you that we have launched a two day long Women’s Day package with up to 25% discount which is available at My Ethiotel or *999# including a 10% bonus while purchasing the package via telebirr App.

Since women inclusion and empowerment is one of the values and commitments of our company, for the last three years alone, our company invested 54.4 million birr for purchasing over 70 thousand mobile handsets to hand over as a gift to support women, thereby enabling them access to information and digital economy.

In a similar occasion exactly by this time last year, our company donated women’s sanitary materials to 480 Empress Menen Girls’ Boarding Secondary School students that could be used for one year as well as it also awarded tablets for top 10 outstanding female students who performed well in the first semester of the then academic year as well as in a recent memory, our company handed over 200 smart phones and 50 laptops as a token of honoring best performing women teachers serving in government high schools across the nation.

Our company, which has been devoted in serving the nation for about a century and three decades, will continue to strengthen its commitment and positive impact to our community through designing various programs and expanding digital solutions/services that will potentially bring meaningful changes in the life of our society, especially in discharging its corporate social responsibility so as to empower women’s participation in social and economic sectors and will also strive to ensure women’s equal access and use of digital technology in the years to come.

                                                           Ethio telecom

                                                          March 8, 2023

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