Ethio telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders for the procurement of consultancy service for construction of ambo regional office building project

                Invitation to National Competitive Bid

Floating Date: As f July 10, 2024

RFQ 4269080

  1. Ethio telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders by this National Competitive Bid (NCB) for Procurement of consultancy service for construction of Ambo regional office building project. The Tender remains floating from July 10, 2024.
No.Item/descriptionsRFQ NoBid Security AmountType of Contract
1Procurement of consultancy service for construction of Ambo regional office building Project4269080ETB 30,000.00One-time Contract

Bid documents can be obtained from ethio telecom’s websites, and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Birr 100.00 (Birr One hundred only) by using tele birr payment platform.

In addition, If you are interested to be on the supplier list of ethio telecom please register using the following link or copy and paste the link on a browser “ HTML/isp/ pos/suppreg/SupplierRegister.jsp?ouid-OEE D8A04B857259C”.

2.Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from ethio’s website (i.e., www., and

– Sealed bids marked as: “Tender for Procurement of consultancy service for construction of Ambo regional office building project” and be addressed to:

Ethio telecom, Head Quarter

Supply Chain Division,

2nd Floor, Room No. 211B P.O.Box 1047, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2.1. Bid proposal will be received at ethio telecom, Head Quarter 2nd Floor, Room No. 211B, before or on July 30, 2024 until 5:00 P.M. Bids presented by any bidder after the closing date shall not be accepted.

3. Bids received in time and fulfilling the other formalities shall be opened in the presence of interested bidders or their legal representatives on July 31,2024 at 10:00 A.M, at ethio telecom, Head Quarter 2nd Floor, Room No.210.

4. Ethio telecom reserves the right to reject all or parts of this bid.

5. A bidder must be participated either for Ambo Regional Office Building projects

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