Ethio telecom Launches the 6th Round of Green Legacy Seedling Plantation Initiative at the company’s 17 Regional Offices Nationwide including Addis Ababa

Aligned with its plan to plant 500,000 seedlings, our company has undertaken comprehensive preparations to contribute to the green legacy initiative and promote environmental protection and development under the theme ” A nation that plants; a generation that sustains” at the national level, and “Green Ethiopia” at the company level. Accordingly, our company has officially launched the 6th round of the Green Legacy seedling planting program today across its offices nationwide.

To plant the aforementioned number of seedlings in the 6th round of the Green Legacy seedling plantation campaign, our company has mobilized over 5,000 employees at the corporate, zonal, and regional levels. A seedling planting campaign was conducted at four sites selected by the Addis Ababa City Administration Urban Beautification and Greenery Bureau. Additionally, our 17 regional offices nationwide organized seedling plantation campaigns at designated sites provided by their respective city administration offices.

In alignment with this initiative, our company planted seedlings today at the corporate and zonal levels in the capital, specifically in Nifas Silk Lafto sub-city, Woreda 15, Garment Square, Hachalu Road, Lemi Kura Sub-City Summit Condominium area as well as Akaki Kaliti sub-city, Woreda 12 Salehu Gora area, and Woreda 2 UNISA University area. Meanwhile, our 17 regional offices across the country planted seedlings at the designated sites provided by their respective city administration offices.

During this 6th round of the Green Legacy seedling plantation initiative, our company aims to plant 500,000 seedlings nationwide from July 18, 2016, EFY to August July 30, 2016 EFY. For this to happen, our company has budgeted over 51.5 million ETB for the seedling plantation initiative and has finalized all necessary preparations to ensure the care of the seedlings. This effort is to promote a green culture and leave a long-lasting legacy for future generations.

Over the past five consecutive years, our company has planted more than 3.8 million seedlings at 700 sites nationwide, with over 82% of the seedlings growth rate. This initiative has contributed to promoting afforestation and enhancing efforts to combat desertification, drought, rising deforestation, and environmental degradation. Added to this, it has created temporary job opportunities for over 20,000 citizens.

Beyond ensuring nationwide connectivity services, our company has been deploying the latest digital technologies to facilitate the day-to-day business activities of our society, implemented a revolutionizing digital financial services, and advancing resiliently towards realizing a digital Ethiopia. In addition to these efforts, the company has been discharging its Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) by supporting various projects and humanitarian activities. Environmental protection and development are key pillars of the company’s CSR policy.

Our company has been committed to serving the Nation for 130 years and remains dedicated to discharging its dual national and social responsibilities. It will be actively engaged in designing and participating in crucial national intervention programs aimed at fostering long-lasting positive impacts and supporting comprehensive development programs.

                                       July 18, 2024

                                       Ethio telecom

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