FLOATING DATE: AS OF December 21, 2020

RFI NO. 4046887

1. Ethio telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders by this International Request for Information (RFI) for the procurement of maintenance of indoor and outdoor RF equipment for 7.5m earth station antenna with RFI No. 4046887The RFI remains floating from December 21, 2020 up to January 18, 2021.RFI documents can be obtained free of charge from Ethiotelecom’s Head Office Room No.207 during office hours (Monday to Friday).

2. Interested participants are expected to fulfill the Requirements stated here below:

a) Participants must have a previous experience in developing and managing the captioned product (maintenance of indoor and outdoor RF equipment for 7.5m earth station antenna) and preferably offering the system successfully in the market.

b)Participants should have a minimum technical capability of the system(product) to be developed and supplied.

3. Sealed bids marked as: “Request for Information for the Supply of maintenance of indoor and outdoor RF equipment for 7.5m earth station antenna with RFI No. 4046887 and be addressed to:

Ethio telecom, Head Quarter                      

Churchill Road

Supply Chain Division

2nd Floor, Room No.211b,

P. O. Box 1047, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

4. RFI proposal will be submitted to the Head Quarter 2nd Floor, Room No.211B, before or on January 19, 2021. until 5:00 PM. RFI proposal presented by any bidder after the closing time and date shall not be accepted.

5. Bidders are seriously advised to read and comply with the instructions provided in this RFI bidding document.

6. Ethio telecom reserves the right to reject all or parts of this RFI.

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