Floating Date: As of February 22, 2022
Ethio telecom invites interested and eligible suppliers of different Outdoor Advertisement Services with in Addis Ababa. The Outdoor Advertisement sites are required to fulfil the below requirements.
- Visibility: The site shall be visible to the target audience from different angles and this includes its size for enhanced visibility.
- LEGIBLE DISTANCE: The message on the screen shall be read at least from a distance of 50m.
- TRAFFIC COUNT: The area shall be high and continued traffic area’ location where people walk by and high traffic will be preferable.
- AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHY: location with better demographic compositions will get a high preference score.
- AVOID CLUTTER: location of the site shall be clean; the area looks matters for its impact to take the eyes of the target.
- EFFECTIVENESS ON THE DRIVERS: It has to have a power to force the drivers to give a look on their drive way or during congestion or passing by.
Interested bidders shall submit their proposal before or on March 3,2022 until 5:00 P. M and the required Outdoor Advertisement types are as listed in the below table:
No |
Outdoor Advertisement type |
Actual size |
Exact location |
U.P per m2 with VAT |
T,P per m2 With VAT |
Face Change Price m2 |
Remark |
1 |
Billboard |
It includes printing & installation service |
2 |
Wall branding |
3 |
Bridge advertisement |
4 |
Train ads (beam, grill, pillar and waiting station branding) |
Screen Ad
No |
Advertisement type |
Actual size |
Exact location |
Price per Production Duration & No of Spots |
Remark |
5 |
Outdoor Digital Screens |
6 |
Indoor Digital Screens (Point of Sales and Point of Wait) |
Note: The rental duration of the sites shall be for One Year.
Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information from ethio telecom website, Addis Zemen, Ethiopian Herald and different social media.
Sealed proposal marked as: “Supply of, Outdoor advertisement service and be addressed to:
Ethio Telecom,
Head Quarter
Churchill Road
Supply Chain Division
2nd floor, Room No.211 A,
P. O. Box 1047, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Bidders are seriously advised to read and comply with the instructions to submit their proposal according to the below requirement & specification.
- The total area of the wall branding can’t be less than 36 m2
- For billboard both height and width shall not be less than 9m. however, if one of the sides length is 9m the other side might be less or greater than 9m.
- Describe Exact location and specific name of the building/place.
- Soft copy of the submitted proposal is mandatory to be submitted via e-mail address and shall be the same with the submitted hard copy proposal, for list of sites submit in excel format.it is possible to send the soft copy document through the below e-mail address;lalise.teshome@ethiotelecom.et;Endaykiros.Hagos@ethiotelecom.et .in case if your data can’t be send through email it is possible to bring physically by Flash Disk to our office.
- Price must be mentioned for meter square as well as total price i.e. unit price is preferable for your proposal.
- Face change price per meter square
- Mention availability of the site (when will it be available, it is only possible to submit the site that will be free within/less than three months)
Ethio telecom reserves the right to reject all or parts of this bid.