Ethio telecom signs Memorandum of Understanding with Adama City Administration to make Adama a Smart City

As part of its commitment to realizing its vision and mission as well as its three years LEAD growth strategy, Ethio telecom is extensively engaged in modernizing and enhancing the day-to-day business activities of the customers by being a leading digital solution provider beyond its connectivity services. Among the demonstrations of these intensive activities is the signing of Ethio telecom’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today with Adama City Administration to implement the Adama Smart City project.

Through this project Adama administration will use ICT technologies and settle service payments via telebirr digital payment system so as to bring about the efficiency of the city’s operation & government services as well as enhance overall well-being of current and future generations with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects to improve the quality of life in Adama City for the city’s residents and businesses and make the city a more attractive venture for investors and tourists.

In line with this agreement, Ethio telecom will deploy information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure such as Metro Dark Fiber, Cloud, Data Centers, and high bandwidth low latency wireless connectivity, digital payment platform and other beyond connectivity digital solutions to realize Adama smart city initiatives.

Furthermore, Ethio telecom will develop Integrated Telecom & Information Communication Infrastructure in line with Adama Smart City Program Scope and will provide reliable and high quality wireless connectivity and Transmission Services via 4G, 5G, NB-IOT /Internet of things/ and other connectivity methods. To this effect, as fiber optics is the foundation wall of the smart city, Ethio telecom will perform the planning, design, implementation and operation of the Fiber to the Home, Fiber to the Building and fiber to different required places. 

Moreover, Ethio Telecom will also provide Cloud and Data Center services in the smart city program to make it easier to access city services by expanding them with cloud systems as well as integrate municipal services and other private services with telebirr to realize the digital payment as part of the smart city initiatives.  

                                            Ethio telecom

                                         November 3, 2022

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