(P2P SMS) Hub Partnership

Ethio telecom is pleased to invite interested SMS Hub provider to partner with us in commercializing P2P SMS traffic to receive/send originating from/to other networks. This announcement is intended to invite all interested providers of P2P SMS Hubbing service to submit their proposals that could, after a thorough evaluation, enable them to become one-stop global P2P messaging service provider for Ethio telecom. Hence, fair and extensive evaluation based on criteria listed herein will be conducted on proposals from various candidate providers, and providers who best fulfill the interest of Ethio telecom will be selected. To avoid the ambiguity noted that A2P SMS is out of the scope of this invitation.

Partner with us if you fulfill the following criteria

Only qualified providers with prior experience on P2P SMS hubbing service should submit their proposal. The proposal should contain, but not limited to:

  • Company profile (date of establishment, license copy for operation, country of operation, at least one year audited financial statement)
  • Customer reference: must submit at least three duly signed and sealed customer reference performance report letters related to P2P SMS hubbing services.
  • Proposed volume of traffic (state detailed business case and monthly volume of traffic to be terminated to Ethio telecom network which includes monthly revenue.)
  • Availability: The provider should be guaranteed a target monthly availability to be included with a contractual Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Security: Ensure the security of P2P SMS hubbing service as set out below:
    • Mechanisms of performance monitoring and fraud controlling with pro-active intervention in case of abnormal traffic flow to keep the SMS channel as clean as possible.
    • The solution should be without SMS firewall and the integration process with Ethio telecom system.
    • Fraud protection and grey route elimination support.
    • Latest ISO accreditation of 27001.
  • Performance (Scalability): The provider should be proposed the following:
    – How many P2P SMS interactions per month?
    – How many messages per second that can be handled by a provider?
    – How many individual mobile messages that can run per second?
  • Global reach: The provider should give information on the number of Connectivity with: Number of connectivity with content provider, Number of P2P aggregators and Number of connected mobile operators (customers).
  • Technical details: – The provider shall clearly state connectivity options (SS7 or SMPP) and technical implementation procedure.
  • Implementation Process & Time: The provider shall provide reasonable implementation time with a clear and transparent process.
  • Customer Service and Technical support: the provider shall:
    • Direct comprehensive manuals;
    • State availability of dedicated team to support Ethio telecom and time to response & quality of service;
    • Provides 24/7 live support;
    • Assigns a dedicated account management team.
  • Reporting: real-time reporting of P2P SMS traffic sources and volumes, provide customer web portal/Online reporting with detailed traffic and billing reports designed to offer better insight into their daily and monthly usage and backup time.
  • Payment Modality: The providers should accept Ethio telecom prepayment modality.
  • Service Term: Can work with a contractual agreement with a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years, with possible contractual extension based on performance assessment review on a monthly basis, other things remaining constant.
  • Rate: Providers should accept Ethio telecom’s P2P termination rate per SMS.
  • Proposal submission: Providers should submit a proposal before 18 July 2019 Interested providers can contact us for any clarification via our contact person:

    Physical address: Ethio telecom, Churchill Road, EEYOR Tower, 11th floor, office no 1107, International Business Division, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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